ELVocab Learning Resources

ELVocab supports 4 learning resources for all supported languages. Youtube Head to Creators, where you will find a list of videos covering many topics, mainly aimed at native speakers. Alternatively, you can import youtube videos using the video URL, this will fail if the video does not include captions in your target language. Reddit The second […]

Introducing ELVocab filters

Filters are a powerful tool you should know how to use onĀ elvocab. While watching a video you will get two sets of filters on both sides of your screen. On the left you find level filters, you can use these to filter words based on knowledge levels, and you can hide words you are familiar […]

Welcome to ELVocab

ELVocab Elvocab is a tool that accelerates your language learning journey by using authentic content to improve your knowledge of your target language. Learning methods You can start by heading to creators where you can find a curated list of creators in your target language, you can also import youtube videos using video URL. Videos are not […]